Page name: Pough's Insane Asylum [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-08 15:30:20
Last author: $0me $ecret$
Owner: $0me $ecret$
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 12
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Welcome to Pough's Insane Asylum

Any and all are welcome to join. Please list your name at the bottom of the page and your room number. Have a nice day

I am the creator/Prez of this Wiki. [$0me $ecret$], [Kitty Chick] is Vice Prez. And ..... ::starts watching lint::

Add banners here ..... (pst ... banners needed)

<img:> [Kitty Chick]

1. [$0me $ecret$] I do whatever the little voice tell me too
2. [Kitty Chick] im not insane!!! u have no proof!!
4. [so empty every time I've had enough!] Hmmmmmmm
6. [Snicjix] If you call me psycho, I'll Let you live! Shut Up And TELL ME, No thats not right...

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2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: hmmmmmm this looks like a comforting place for a torn soul

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: ^^good.. someone else believes soo

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: torn soul huh? interesting ...... ::suddenly is interested in lint::

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Wow Someone that doesnt Understand the life Of a person who has changed ppl and they are all running away from him ::sits alone in a corner::

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: ::gives u a pillow:: hug this..

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: Aren't you where a hug jacket? oO ::loks at you from behind door::

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::pulls out a knife and Slashes the pillow **i dont hug pillows**::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: ::Stops watches lint and starts watching feathers::

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::Stares Gleamly at the Falling of his life::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: oh come on perk up. should I give you teddy bear to kill?

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: oO well im not gunna hug yah.. im already huggn miself... sooo it'd be a tad hard.. hey!! that was mi pillow!

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: How about the life of a Human that hasnt Run from me::stands up and throws knife into wall::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: a little late on the up take weren't you crazy cat?

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: Oo i was lookin at somethin else... ahh!! knife to close!

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: ::looks at knife from behind wall:: it's to far away ... -_-

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: ::grabbs knife cautiously.. sneakily in plain site: can't see me.. ::does cruddy old spymoves::

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::grabs her before she gets away with the knife and says Dont touch wat doesnt belong to you::

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: ahh!!! ::tries to run away::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: OO uh oh

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: GET HIM OFF!!! GET HIM OFF!!

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::Drops her on the Ground and says im srry for hurting you walks to the corner and sits there and starts Flipping his knife::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: hello! straight jacket, and in nice fluffy room ..... ::starts bouncing off walls::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: ::watches:: pretty ...

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::sits in the corner and chills with his Knife::

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: Oo that just creeped me out.. ^^tis all... oO u need somethin else to do other than that knife u know...

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: hmmm .... ::thinks really hard:: Glah!

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ..........

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: but dunt throw it again... Oo....

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: ::shruggs:: i don't know ...

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Thinks :: ok walks around weilding his knife like hes gonna kill someone::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: o.O

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: eip::hides behind shadow::oO i know kar-a-te!!

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::flips his knife and It lands perfectly in his knife holder::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: i don't think that works through a telephone line

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: ::comes out from behind shadow:: Oo are u ok?

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: ::sees lint and starts watching ...:: huh?

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Everyone is ok around here

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: ::pokes livin::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: exspecially the LINT!

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: He's dieing! someone ... ummm ..... hey look lint

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::leaves the room::

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: O.O wow... should i do that again?... hey i dunt have coties!!.. ::evil grin::

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: wait! ::runs into door and sees animated birds going around head::

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: ::snickers:: we were only haven fun ^^

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: ::watches birds:: hey look! their's tweety!

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: **loser** >:}

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: hey!!!

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: xD jkjk... or am i? ^.~

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: tissue Oo

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: lissue!

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: lissue?.. Oo now whos the one wit the problems?

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: ::glares while eating cream cheese::

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: Oo i want!! some!!.. U.u

2005-02-09 [$0me $ecret$]: to bad all gone

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: Oo.. **evil**

2005-02-09 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Lol two chicks and one guy in this room

2005-02-09 [Kitty Chick]: hmm.. what the odds of that..

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: i donno u tell me?

2005-02-10 [$0me $ecret$]: SOMe WHERE! OVER THE RAIN BOW!

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: yay we can all be crazy together :D

2005-02-10 [$0me $ecret$]: aren't we happier then yesterday

2005-02-10 [Kitty Chick]: lol ^^hip hip for the craziness..

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: No im just the same sidistic Kid i was Yesterday But hiding it with happyness

2005-02-10 [$0me $ecret$]: lol

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: So how is everyone today ?

2005-02-10 [$0me $ecret$]: alive

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: COOOOOL im drowning But cool

2005-02-10 [$0me $ecret$]: cool, better then knife throwing last night

2005-02-10 [Kitty Chick]: lol how nice... i haven't kill somethin so... im good^^

2005-02-10 [Kitty Chick]: oO

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::jumps out of the water*where is my knife*::

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::finds his knife*yay throwing time*::

2005-02-10 [$0me $ecret$]: huh?

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::runs to his dark corner laughing::

2005-02-10 [$0me $ecret$]: uh oh ...

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::looks at the complexity of his knife and throws it in to the wall near him*still works like a charm*::

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::walks over to his knife and Grabs it before anyone gets it::

2005-02-10 [$0me $ecret$]: heh

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::toss's it in to the air and catchs it *wow it still flows with me*::

2005-02-10 [Kitty Chick]: eip..... ::looks for safe place:: o yah^^ padded walls

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ::well i guess i'll put it away and be gental.....Puts the knife away and gives KC a hug::

2005-02-10 [Kitty Chick]: ^^::gives friendly hug back::

2005-02-10 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: :: srry to cut the hugging time short babe but i have to go ttyl::

2005-02-10 [Kitty Chick]: ugh... ok..... bu byez

2005-02-11 [Kitty Chick]: ::echo... scifi music in back round:: oO

2005-02-12 [Kitty Chick]: bwahahahaha^^

2005-02-12 [MrFunkyfresh]: booooooooooored

2005-02-12 [Kitty Chick]: we all are in this abnotxic world

2005-02-12 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: I donno

2005-02-12 [Kitty Chick]: yah..

2005-02-12 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: ........BOO

2005-02-12 [Kitty Chick]: oO BOO right a back

2005-02-12 [Kitty Chick]: ugh?

2005-02-12 [Kitty Chick]: lol... do u truthly wanta hug me?

2005-02-12 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Yup we are all the insane bunch ^.^

2005-02-12 [Kitty Chick]: lol..

2005-02-14 [Kitty Chick]: ::bllllaaaannnnnkkkk::

2005-02-14 [Kitty Chick]: boo oO

2005-02-14 [Kitty Chick]: nm really sadly. urself?

2005-02-14 [Kitty Chick]: ok

2005-02-14 [Kitty Chick]: meh..

2005-02-18 [$0me $ecret$]: Hellllllllllllloooooooooooooooo ::echoes back:: dang graveyard matierial ..... ::cricket start up as wind picks up:: ummm ... okay .... creepy O.O

2005-02-18 [Kitty Chick]: yah... ::smashed cricket.:: blast thingys are irritating..

2005-02-19 [$0me $ecret$]: lol ... yeah ...

2005-02-19 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Yaaaaaaa wats up psycho and Ppl ?

2005-02-19 [$0me $ecret$]: nothing much ....... but mostly clouds you?

2005-02-19 [$0me $ecret$]: depressing ....

2005-02-19 [$0me $ecret$]: ::sigh:: yeah ...

2005-02-19 [$0me $ecret$]: KC is over here

2005-02-19 [$0me $ecret$]: elloz^^ **KC**

2005-02-19 [Kitty Chick]: ok.. yay on mine now^^

2005-02-19 [$0me $ecret$]: not anymore!!!!!! dun dun da

2005-02-27 [Kitty Chick]: booooooooooooooooorin... we need some pplz here yah know

2005-02-28 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Ya thats true

2005-02-28 [Kitty Chick]: o ello!

2005-02-28 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Wats up?

2005-02-28 [Kitty Chick]: eih nothin sadly. urself?

2005-02-28 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: same, Just Bored, like always

2005-02-28 [Kitty Chick]: sounds thrillin.

2005-02-28 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Ya i know eh?

2005-03-01 [Kitty Chick]: lol yah...

2005-03-06 [Kitty Chick]: god this is borin

2005-03-06 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Ya hellz ya

2005-03-07 [Kitty Chick]: ...uhhu.... lol

2005-03-08 [$0me $ecret$]: i'm sick and I'm bored, and I have nothing to do!!!!!!

2005-03-08 [Kitty Chick]: same here.. ::sniffles:: =^_^= i got another person to join!!

2005-03-09 [$0me $ecret$]: so I noticed...

2005-03-09 [Kitty Chick]: ^^

2005-03-10 [lost and abandoned]: hi ppls!!!

2005-03-10 [Kitty Chick]: elloz^^

2005-03-11 [Kitty Chick]: ello

2005-03-11 [$0me $ecret$]: i guess it's my turns? HELLO!!!!!!!!!

2005-03-11 [Kitty Chick]: ....

2005-03-11 [$0me $ecret$]: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the muffin did it!

2005-03-11 [Kitty Chick]: ~.~ u can't always blame it on the muffinu know!

2005-03-11 [$0me $ecret$]: but I just did

2005-03-11 [Kitty Chick]: ~.~

2005-03-12 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Lol we are all weird ^^

2005-03-12 [Kitty Chick]: eih yahz... lol... ughhhhh im gunna get disconnected for about two weeks so... i wont be on here for a while....

2005-03-12 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: NOOOOOOoooooooooooo

2005-03-12 [Kitty Chick]: ..... wow someones actually sad...

2005-03-13 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Lol Yah

2005-03-14 [Kitty Chick]: eih.. alright^^

2005-03-16 [chibi pheonix]: can i join T-T

2005-03-16 [Kitty Chick]: u may if u want=^_^=

2005-03-16 [$0me $ecret$]: I'm being a bad girl! I'm on during school! hehehehe

2005-03-17 [Kitty Chick]: ohh!!.. lol i used to do that all the time in hill's class..

2005-04-02 [Kitty Chick]: o.. this is borin as hell.

2005-05-15 [cvdgd]: ha u smell

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